Featured Races
Middle Sea
Atlantic Rally
for Cruisers
Sydney Hobart
Weather Services
We offer custom Weather Routing
and Historical
Weather Services
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If you use this site
on a regular basis,
please consider
helping us out...
PassageWeather is a FREE sailing weather website
If you use this website on a regular basis, please consider helping us out.
PassageWeather now offers specialised Weather Routing for sailing yachts.
Check out the 安卓网飞app page for more information.
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Our sailing weather forecasts are derived using data from the most trusted and reliable weather models available. These models include the GFS
and WaveWatch III models, the same weather models that produce the GRIB files used by modern electronic navigation software and weather routing
We have a small favor to ask you.
More people are using PassageWeather than ever, but advertising revenues across the web are falling fast. And unlike many other websites, we haven't put up a paywall - we want to keep our website as open and free as we can. So you can see why we need to ask for your help.
PassageWeather's forecasts take a lot of time, money and hard work to produce. But we do it because we believe our forecasts matter.
If everyone who uses our weather forecasts helps us out just a little bit, our future would be much more secure.
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